Un estudio de caso: hipnoterapia para reducir el dolor de la neuralgia del trigémino

#hypnotherapy #trigeminalneuralgia #releasepain #paincontrol #realcase

Trigeminal neuralgia is a type of chronic pain that affects the face. It causes pain, sudden burning, or a feeling of extreme shock.

It is considered the most painful affliction known to medical practice. Frequently, pharmacological treatment is not effective and requires surgical treatment.

I would like to encourage people who have found themselves in as difficult a situation as my client.

I am not saying that hypnotherapy is a panacea. I do support the patient to cooperate with his doctor. And it’s important to say that I don’t try to stop every pain. Because pain is an important indicator that something is happening in our body. And we don’t want this important messenger to be prematurely silenced.

On the other hand, sometimes pain no longer provides us with any added value and we need to get rid of it or stop perceiving it. As was the case with this client.

This interview took place after only 2 hypnotherapy sessions. The client describes her experiences as well as the course of therapeutic cooperation.

The first therapy session took place on 28/11/2022 and the second session took place on 9/12/2022.

The collaboration took place in English, since the client is English.

Why did you choose my services? What were your expectations?

I have been suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia for almost 2 years. During that time I have been seeing a neurologist who has prescribed medication usually used for epilepsy which controls the painful spasms. Unfortunately, the medication needs to be increased and changed regularly in order to continue it´s effectiveness for this condition.

The medication also has some dramatic side effects: memory problems being the most distressing for me. The side effects became unbearable when I realised that I just couldn’t think properly, my short-term memory was almost completely gone and I was really unsafe to be driving.

I decided to take the opportunity to try a session of hypnotherapy to control, and/or better cope with the pain in order to reduce the prescribed medication.

Have your expectations been met?

Having now had 2 hypnotherapy treatments with you and am following up with the self-hypnosis app that you recommended, I can happily say that I have reduced my prescribed medication by half and am working on reducing it further.

How do you evaluate my services? What did our cooperation give you?

Never having experienced hypnosis before I must say that I was very skeptical about it, firstly whether I would be hypnotizable, and whether it would be effective against this very painful condition.

I’m very happy to say that it has made a huge difference to my ability to cope with the pain and on very much reduced medication. I believe that your experience in psychotherapy has also helped in the results I’m experiencing.

What would you like to highlight?

I’m delighted with the results of the time you spent with me, helping with the pain and my depressed state due to the side effects of the prescription medication. I remember saying to you that I wanted to feel ‘normal’ again and ‘more my usual, confident self’. I’m very happy to say that I feel very much on my way to achieving that desired result.

If could be even more useful to you, if so, how? (what other topic would be of interest to you)

I would be interested in having more hypnotherapy if it could help me in my diet (to lose some weight) and my ability to learn a new language – Spanish in particular.

Would you recommend my services to others – if so, why? If not, then why?

I am very happy to recommend your services to my friends and family and anyone that I feel may benefit from your expertise. I firmly believe that you are able to help people with pain control, wellbeing, stress, depression and also other conditions or habits that may require some assistance to change.


Clients tell me already after the first hypnotherapy they feel a change for the better. When do you want to experience it? Write to me and we will agree on the cooperation that will suit you.

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